S24 Leveling Teams Posted!


The 1-70 Leveling Teams have been posted on Discord, in the #looking-for-group channel – go check ’em out! Everyone who expressed interest has a spot, but there’ll be more folks returning for Season 24 than just these 16, so lots of chances to group up tonight. Good luck in S24, everyone, and stay tuned in Discord for New ‘N’ Improved Music Bot functions!

About Us

We are CMinus!

We are a Diablo clan for those who are inclined to Smite the Badness with a comical flair for insufficiency...

We are also for those who would dominate the leaderboards in multiple classes were it not for work and family...

We are even for those who are just a little less than average for any particular reason and seek like-minded individuals...


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Join Us!

We are always looking for fellow Badness-Smiters to join up with us! Whisper any of our officers in-game for a c-vite!

Callisto Narg
CptCalamity Swarsh
DoomBringer Tagster
Dregs Viz